Holiday Childbirth Education Special

What a whirlwind summer and fall it’s been so far!  Full of lots of changes, the most importantly seeing how wholly my beautiful little girl has completed my heart and family.  What a dream she is.  She is just like a chubby little ball of sunshine, there waiting to greet me every morning with nothing…

Home Birth of Willow Anne

As you might remember I have been expecting the birth of my daughter this spring and she made her arrival on May 23rd!  What a beautiful birth and beautiful little girl she is.  This pregnancy has been a roller coaster ride for me and it’s taken a while for me to put my thoughts together…

The last days of pergnancy: A place in between

The last days of pergnancy: A place in between If you are anything like me, being vulnerable in front of others can be very difficult.  I can accept openly and tenderly others in their vulnerability, but my own makes me uncomfortable.  It typically gets shrouded in jokes and darting eyes.  Brushing off of the things…

The Trouble with Due Dates

I found this article today, and while it is a long read, I have to share it.  We know that induction increases the risk of cesarean delivery and we also know that many times induction occurs when a women goes over her due date.  This article is an in depth look at our flawed way…

Home Birth after 3 Cesareans

I have been meaning to share this video for a long time now, since the baby was born in January, but better late than never, right? This is the really inspiring story of one of my clients journey to having a beautiful homebirth after 3 c-sections. With tons of patience, trust, support and a great…

Email is up and working again!

Just a quick post to say that my email has been down!  After my switch over to a new website format I was having some technical difficulties with my email service, but they are all fixed up now.  Please feel free to email me at

New blog!

I am changing formats.  In this world of continuous information to be shared, there is no simpler way to share up-to-date information than with a blog.  I make no promises about how often I will actually be able to update it, but my hope is to have some awesome resources to share with families here. …